Wirya Surachmat was born in Celebes island. And now, remain into Makassar, He is an Indonesian, either his family, He is Recognized as an activist and also the one of Competitor Santri in the Mission Of Muslim Institute Organization in Indonesian. Wirya graduated as an English Education Department of Alauddin State Islamic University Alumni in 2014 and Senior High School 11 of Makassar in 2010.

He was active to join some of exhibition, one of them was “Research And Technological Exhibition In The Field Of Agriculture Industry”. Not Only that But Also “General Revenues And Expenditure Budget Exhibition”. The receiver of scholarship from Mayor of Makassar,”Ilham Arief Sirajuddin” was really tend to own phlegmatic personality so that, he is look like, human being which is a lot of job than talking.
Older Age than his friend and few of his partner around himself was forcing to him about Leadership. Some masterpiece which have been yielded by Wirya, “General Revenues And Expenditure Budget As a Destroyer Machine” in April 2008. And Also “Pilot Logic Fight Against The Education Budget” was published in May 2008. he expect can become the successful people in his state and the owning aspiration as accountant or baccalaureate which can instruct entire all of his family up to the better ways